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This week our newsletter invites you to sign the petition launched by "La Tribune de l'Art" designed to maintain the budget of the French Ministere de la Culture.
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On Sunday, October 7th will be held the second session of the auction
organized by SVV Guillaume Le Floc'h in Saint-Cloud. The twentieth
century will be honored including, Modern Art, Contemporary Art and
Design. From a wide variety of quality lots, some particularly caught our
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Sunday, September 30, SVV Le Floc'h in collaboration of our firm will auction in St. Cloud, prints, drawings, old and modern paintings, sculptures, Asian art and furniture and works of art.
We offer you a small overview of lots which have retained our attention in different specialties.
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Joseph-Marie, dit Jef van der Veken (1872-1964) est un peintre
anversois renommé pour avoir restauré avec un soin inégalable des
peintures de Primitifs flamands. Copiste sans pareil, l’apogée de sa
carrière de restaurateur est sans aucun doute la copie des « Juges
intègres » de l’Agneau Mystique de Jan van Eyck, réalisée en 1945.
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Whether reading an auction catalogue an art magazine or by discussing with an artist, your attention has been drawn by these three words "resale right" forming an enigmatic expression for the uninitiated.
Before going further, let's say it is a tax on the resale of a work of art that is paid to the artist.
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On June 27 and 28, Christie's London organized the largest auction of
European postwar and contemporary art with a total of £148,283,125.
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July 4, Sotheby's London will auction an exceptional ormolu and patinated bronze ink stand, made circa 1735 and attributed to the silversmith Juste-Aurele Meissonier. This work of art is estimated £200,000 to £300,000.
To better understand this estimation, let's look at the tour de force that represents this ink stand.
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Soon on holidays? And if this year you were doing like your kids, a little
review of your classics ...? If you get stuck, do not worry, everything is
in the previous articles of Authenticite!
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June 14, the SVV Art Valorem, assisted by experts of the cabinet Authenticite, sold an important display cabinet executed by Lexcellent circa 1900 for the record price of 38,000 Euros.
Lot 345 the auction catalogue described our piece of furniture as a "vitrine montée" in mahogany
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June 14, Authenticité expertise in partnership with the SVV Art Valorem will sell in Paris at auction drawings, old and modern paintings, jewellery and silverware and antique furniture and objects of arts. 366 lots will be offered for sale with estimates for some objects from a few tens of Euros. I invite you to
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The contemporary artist Steven Marc exposes currently in the gallery Alexandre Lazarew, a disconcerting work. His portraits show us the power in its various aspects, and its effects on the human thirst for supremacy.
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Auctions of Impressionist, Modern and Contemporary art took place in New York as usual in May. The auction house Sotheby's realized a flawless result, smashing several world records for many artists and won the palm with the most expensive work of art ever sold at auction to date.
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Simple Object of paper, the book does not acquire its value on its single material, often unrepresentative of its importance. If the state of the binding or stapling is important, the value of the book lies primarily in the role of text in history.
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April 26, the auctioneer Woolley and Wallis in Salisbury, United Kingdom, sold a pair of natural pearl and diamond earrings for £ 1.4 million
Let's look at this jewel and its history.
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Mochica culture has developed on the north coast of Peru between the
first century and the ninth century AD. It is famous for its ceramics
deposited in graves as offerings to the dead.
Their decor modeled and / or painted iconography shows a richness
and variety greatly appreciated by art lovers. The price of a
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Neoclassical sculptor of recognized talent in the late eighteenth century, the name of Louis-Simon Boizot is now unknown to the general public. His name appears frequently in the catalogs of auctions leaning against that of Sevres or that of a bronze sculptor.
Rediscovering this talented artist who gave birth to many
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Increasingly rare, the restoration of gilded wood requires great patience and respect for traditional techniques. Authenticite offers you to rediscover these techniques where the use of the aerosol is strictly banned!
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Following the Manet retrospective in 2010 and Monet in 2011, the Musée d'Orsay associated with the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston presents Edgar Degas (1834-1917). The bias of this exhibition is not to make us rediscover the works of Degas, whose last retrospective was in 1988, but to present a new angle
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Ergonomic, economic, aesthetic, practical ... These are the qualities that
can be attributed to the chair named RAR (Rocking Arm Chair Rod
Base) by Charles and Ray Eames. Emblematic of Design, it crossed the
decades without a wrinkle and always wins a huge market success.
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Buy at auction, for the newcomer this may seem complicated and
reserved for the initiated.
Are- there fees? Should I be present? What is a absentee bid? How will I
know if I bought the lot? Is it possible to bid by telephone? And the
internet? are questions we hear frequently in the auction rooms in
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