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The 5th and 25th October, the auction houses Le Floc'h and Philocale
sold with the expertise of our specialists, fine furniture, sculptures, and
works of art. During its auctions, individuals and antiques dealers were
many to bid either in room, on the phone or internet. Result of this duel
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Many deities have metamorphosed to achieve their ends. In all, the
prize certainly return to Zeus. To win Danae, the god turns into a golden
rain. It is precisely the story that tells a sculpture that will be offered for
sale on October 25th.
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Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) is probably the most famous French
sculptors of the second half of the nineteenth century and early
twentieth century. His eponymous museum deals with the highlighting
and protection of his work.
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Of all the major sculptors of his time, Charles Cordier (1827-1905) is
certainly one whose style and art stand out the most.
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Neoclassical sculptor of recognized talent in the late eighteenth century, the name of Louis-Simon Boizot is now unknown to the general public. His name appears frequently in the catalogs of auctions leaning against that of Sevres or that of a bronze sculptor.
Rediscovering this talented artist who gave birth to many
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Of all the great sculptors of the second half of the 18th century, Claude Michel said Clodion is probably one of the best known and his name evokes in the minds of many an bacchanal in clay, a bas relief or a bronze cast saw in an auctioneer, a gallery, or at Drouot or in a museum.
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Honore Daumier, this name evokes for many of you a caricaturist of
society and politics under Louis Philippe and the Second Empire. But he
was also a true artist of his time both engraver and lithographer, painter
and sculptor.
Let's have look to his life and work.
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Medieval Art has done very well her this year. Several pieces have
attracted the interest of French and international collectors in particular
during two auctions by PIASA (Paris) in January and June.
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Of all the great sculptors of the second half of the 19th century, Jean-
Baptiste Carpeaux is probably one of the best known and his name
evokes in the minds of many a sculpture in bronze, marble or terracotta
seen at auction, in a gallery, at Drouot or in a museum.
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On July 20, the National Assembly passed a law reforming and
liberalizing public auction in France. The implementing decree came into
force on 1 September and museums are the primary beneficiaries.
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It is always interesting to discover new creative centers. Let's look
today at the art of Liege which has too often been regarded as
"regional." Always close by the spirit of Paris, the artists of this state
managed to shine by their own originality.
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Son of the famous Italian creator of furniture Carlo Bugatti, and brother
of the car manufacturer Ettore Bugatti, Rembrandt Bugatti is one of the
most important animals sculptors of every time(weather). Disappeared
prematurely at the age of 33, its sculptures are rare and always so
looked for by the big European and American collectors.
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Our auction on the 1st May will present many old master and modern
paintings, continental furniture and works of art with low estimation. We
selected five large wild boar bronzes
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Les œuvres et objets d’art du Moyen-âge n’ont plus la cote. Vous
pouvez aujourd’hui acquérir pour près de 25 000 Euros, en ventes
publiques aux enchères, une œuvre de "qualité musée". Retour sur 3
résultats de vente significatifs…
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Emile Gilioli (Paris, 1911 – Paris, 1977) est un important artiste de
l’abstraction en France. Il fait partie avec Henri-Georges Adam (1904
-1967) et Etienne Hajdu (1907 – 1996) des chefs de file de la jeune
sculpture qui se développe à Paris de 1945 à 1965.
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On désigne par
bronze animalier une sculpture en bronze dont le
sujet principal est un animal.
Le premier âge d’or du bronze animalier date de la première moitié du
XIXème siècle.
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Si vous possédez un objet décoratif en bronze doré (ex : boîte à bijoux,
coupe, coupelle, chandelier, pendule, torchère, vase…), et que vous
pouvez le dater de la fin du 19ème siècle : Stoppez dès maintenant
votre lecture…
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